
Project Settings

This project needs one thing to be set as environment variables:

Optionally four extra variables can be set:

  • SERVER_ENCRYPTION_KEY : A 32-bytes key that will be used by the server to encrypt the stored notes index number (not used in on-the-fly notes). Base64 keys that are decoded as 32-bytes are also supported. If no key is set, backend generates one and prints it in the console. You need to have this key consistent, for stored-notes to work!

  • SUPPORTED_ALGORITHM_PARAMS: A valid json that contains the algorithms that will be supported for the key generation and their hardness. If not set, the application will automatically figure which algorithms are supported and their hardness. To see a valid setting that is supported on your system, run:

    cenotes settings --keygen

    or if you’re cloning the repo, run:

    python settings --keygen
  • FALLBACK_ALGORITHM: An algorithm (scrypt/argon2i if supported) that will be used when the request contains no instruction about what algorithm to use in the key generation. If not set, this will be automatically set to scrypt

  • FALLBACK_ALGORITHM_HARDNESS: The hardness of the algorithm that will be used when the request contains no instruction about what hardness to use in the key generation. If not set, this will be automatically set to interactive

Database schema

As mentioned above, you’ll need a database connection. The database schema is simple enough if you want to create it on your own:

        id INTEGER NOT NULL,
        max_visits INTEGER,
        visits_count INTEGER,
        payload BLOB NOT NULL,
        expiration_date DATE,
        PRIMARY KEY (id)